15 years of building the most insane garage.
If you would like to place an order for any of our pieces or would like to create a completely bespoke vehicle, contact us.
Concept Design
Coachbuilding Cars
Bespoke Motorcycles
By: Daryl VIllanueva
Founder, Chief of design - Bandit9
2011: Like many companies out there, Bandit9 was born out of frustration. I’m the kind of guy that dreams of worlds depicted in science fiction films and comic books. I noticed what was on the street was a far cry from what we are capable of.
At the time, heritage, vintage, retro, remakes, reissues had completely taken over. And we were perfectly satisfied. Where is the ingenuity, the pioneering spirit, the boldness? This was the most frustrating part of it all. It felt like we just gave up. It felt like we just didn’t give a damn. Were we to resign ourselves in an endless loop and rehash what has been?
Someone needed to look after the future. So I started a motorcycle company that focused on what could be rather than what was.
I get it. Are we so arrogant to say that it is us that will alter the course of the industry? No, not at all. We do, however, believe we can inspire someone out there who can change the future.
Our cars and our motorcycles symbolize possibilities and I think that’s why so many collectors, museums and individuals gravitate towards our work. They demonstrate the notion that if we can think it then we can make it.
And that the only difference between fact and fiction is time.
TL;DR: Coveted by museums and collectors, Bandit9 produces futuristic vehicles at the intersection of science fiction and art through modern engineering and state-of-the-art technology.
Available Now

Legacy Motorcycles
Since 2011, Bandit9 has been pushing the limits of what a motorcycle can be. We’ve produced over 20 vehicles. Many are housed in museums and galleries across the globe, from the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles to the M.A.D. Gallery in Geneva and Dubai.
Queensland, Australia, 2020PETERSEN AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM
Los Angeles, USA, 2019HAAS MOTO MUSEUM
Alabama, USA, 2015 - PresentTHE ARSENALE
Macau, 2017M.A.D. GALLERY
Dubai, UAE, 2017 - 2019M.A.D. GALLERY
Geneva, Switzerland, 2015 - 2016MC COLLECTION
Stockholm, Sweden, 2015
*All legacy vehicles are sold out.*

Press & Media
Our creations defy category. From automotive sites to fashion magazines and architecture publications, we’ve been in all of it. Get to know us a little better through international articles and reviews. If you’re looking for a bit of entertainment, check out the podcasts below.